Apprenticeships are a great way to bring new talent into your organisation or develop your existing colleagues. They are flexibly delivered and are delivered over a minimum of 12 months, and up to 18 months. In addition to gaining the theoretical elements of the role and subject specific knowledge, they also enable practical application of the theory.
For an in-depth overview of what’s involved in an apprenticeship, have a read of the below and get in touch with our team who can go over all of the details with you:
An agreed partnership:
· an employer with the intention and capability of employing the apprentice to completion of their training and end-point assessment and securing their longer term future
· an apprentice who is motivated to learn and work diligently to complete their apprenticeship
· training and support delivered either inhouse or on behalf of the employer by a registered training provider, college or university
· an initial assessment of the apprentice’s prior learning and the job role, against the standard
· an apprenticeship agreement and commitment statement between the employer, the apprentice and the provider, which sets out the training programme and covers the points in this statement
· A curriculum planning meeting with employer, learner and trainer.
The occupation and standard
· entry to a recognised occupation which can be transferred to other relevant employers and is sufficiently skilled to require employment and training of at least a year’s duration, all apprentices must complete the required amount of off-the-job training specified by the apprenticeship funding rules · a written standard approved by IfATE, which fully defines the occupation in terms of the responsibilities and tasks involved and the skills, knowledge and behaviours required to achieve competence.
The job
· employment in a job with legal and contractually acceptable terms and conditions
· the job role, together with the off the job training, provides opportunities to cover the full occupational profile and learning all of the skills, knowledge and behaviours required
The training programme
· a challenging and stretching training and learning programme developed and delivered with the active involvement of the employer(s), which uses a range of effective on and off the job training methods as well as work itself
· a motivating and supportive workplace with coaching and mentoring support for the apprentice and continuous assessment of progress
· an extended period of on and off the job training (at least twelve months duration, all apprentices must complete the required amount of off-the-job training specified by the apprenticeship funding rules.) which develops not only the knowledge and skills required but also the additional transferable skills which allow an apprentice to deal with clients, situations, problems and equipment.
End-point assessment and certification
· achievement prior to entry to end-point assessment, of the appropriate level of English and Maths, any digital skills required and other specified components of the Apprenticeship, signed off by the employer · national standards built into a demanding independent assessment at the end of the apprenticeship, carried out by a registered apprenticeship assessment organisation, which meets IfATE’s requirements for quality, set out in its guidance on external quality assurance.
· certification by IfATE on completion of the whole apprenticeship. Recruiting employers and apprentices use this trusted record of employability as a license for the occupation and to access related professional status.