Published On: 26/04/2022|208 words|1.1 min read|
cyber essentials

Adult Education and Training Provider, Complete Skills Solutions (CSS), have been awarded the Cyber Essentials Plus Certification.

In February 2021 after switching its operations to online learning, CSS secured the Cyber Essentials Certificate for their commitment to promoting assurance and ensuring the protection of learners, partners, and employees’ sensitive information online.

This time around the team opted to go after the Cyber Essentials Plus certification to provide an extra layer of security and reassurance.

The Cyber Essentials Plus has the Cyber Essentials trademark simplicity of approach, and the protections businesses need to put in place are the same, but a hands-on technical verification is carried out. Organisations can familiarise themselves with cyber security terminology, and gain enough knowledge to begin securing their IT networks.

By implementing the controls specified in the Cyber Essentials Plus Certification, CSS can protect their online operations from 85% of the most common cyber-attacks, including things such as firewalls, policies, and user access controls.

In line with Government guidelines, all education and skills funding agencies are required to hold the Cyber Essentials certification, enabling them to protect their business from any external cyber threats.

The certification will give learners the confidence that they are safe and protected when undergoing a fully-funded course with the training provider.

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