Complete Skills Solutions awarded Cyber Essentials Certificate
Adult Education Provider, Complete Skills Solutions (CSS) have been awarded the Cyber Essentials certificate. After recently switching their operations to online learning, the Adult Education Training Provider is now a Cyber Essentials Certified company. The training provider is promoting assurance and protection of learners, partners, and employees’ sensitive information online.
The Cyber Essentials Scheme enables businesses to put in place basic security controls. Essentially, these controls can fight the most common cybersecurity threats. Through implementing the controls specified in the Cyber Essentials Certification, Complete Skills Solutions can protect their online operations from 85% of the most common cyber-attacks, including things such as firewalls, policies, and user access controls.
When obtaining the certification, a business must undergo several tests, for instance:
Secure configuration
User access control
Malware protection
Patch Management
In line with Government guidelines, all education and skills funding agencies are required to hold the Cyber Essentials certification. This certification enables them to protect their business from any external cyber threats.
The certification also shows CSS’ commitment to cyber-security and the protection of sensitive information across their business.
The certification comes after CSS recently switched all their courses to online learning, as a result of the lockdown. This certificate will also give learners confidence that their personal information safe. Moreover, this assurance will protect learners that undergoing a fully-funded course with the training provider.