Complete Skills Solutions awarded Matrix Quality Standard for information, advice and guidance services
Complete Skills Solutions have been accredited with the Matrix Quality Standard for information, advice and guidance services. Following a stellar performance, this is the first time the team have been assessed against the standard.
The adult education training provider supports individuals through short, fully-funded courses. These courses help prepare individuals to get back to work fully prepared. Information advice and guidance is an essential part of the pathways for learners. Accurately identifying learner’s strengths and interests helps to develop learners through suitable training courses.
Available training courses at CSS apply to a range of relevant industries. Complete Skills Solutions focus on learner’s as individuals and create bespoke pathways specifically for each person. This method increases employability skills and enhances employment prospects.
What is Information Advice and Guidance?
In short, Information advice and guidance is a fundamental part of every stage of the Complete Skills Solutions learner journey. Beginning with a pre-enrolment intervention from the Business Development Team. They work closely with learners to identify their individual career goals, existing skills and abilities. Learners are then placed on the courses at the right level to support them on their journey.
The Complete Skills Solutions training team prepare learners for roles in their chosen industry. They also receive ongoing support in applying for jobs and preparing for interviews. The team also ensure learners are aware of the future progression pathways available to them.
What Learners Are Saying
Matrix Assessor David Crosby spoke with learners who said;
‘’ The IAG support provided by all staff is very high quality’’
When asked learners about their experience. They recognised the team as being friendly and helpful. For instance, they felt the team supported them with their learning and any other practical issues. They continued to emphasise that they received clear signposting for the next steps of their progression. Another consistent theme among learner’s was that that they also had fun. Learner’s felt this light-hearted atmosphere helped increase their motivation in the classroom.
Through CSS’ strong partner network with other support services and agencies, they provided focused support on various issues. Money worries, food banks, homelessness and welfare rights are some of the common topics discussed. Subsequently, the team are constantly seeking new partners to broaden their network. This effort helps to deliver information advice as well as guidance services to the highest standard.
Training Impact
Recently, Complete Skills Solutions have also seen fantastic impact as a result of their training. 100% of learners who attended a Level 2 Warehousing course in October were offered employment at the end of the course. This training was in partnership with discount retailer, B&M. In addition, a September employability course resulted in all learners achieving Intermediate Labour Market Placements! This was also part of the ‘Ways to Work’ Project.
100% of learners surveyed stated they felt their course had prepared them for what they want to do next.
Ian Green, CEO at Complete Skills Solutions said;
‘’CSS have always prided itself on providing effective IAG to all learners, so it is wonderful that we have been recognised for this work with the Matrix Quality Standard. Our ethos has always been to utilise IAG to support in creating pathways for learners with an emphasis on employment. We will continue to provide the highest quality support possible and deliver on our promise to provide effective information advice and guidance.‘’